Fighting For Your Destiny


Did you ever just wake up in the morning with an overwhelming sense that you were called to do something greater? You capture glimpses of your destiny, your very purpose of existing, and excitement starts to rise within. Then, that all too familiar voice invades your mind, telling you that you're just a dreamer and that you don’t have what it takes to make your dreams, the very dreams that God instilled in your heart, a reality. If this is you, you are not alone.

The enemy is real, and he will do anything to hinder you from walking into your destiny. His best strategy is to keep you a prisoner to his lies and deception. He wants you to believe that you are not good enough, that you don’t have enough resources, or that you are prideful to think that God would want to use you.

He also uses fear tactics – fear of failure, fear of people’s opinions, fear of the unknown – to cripple you from moving forward. The devil is smart and wants to stop you from realizing your purpose because, once you walk in it, he knows that you will be an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God!

"The enemy does not attack you according to your history. He attacks you according to your destiny." - Lisa Bevere

The enemy has been attacking women for too long, and I, for one, have had enough. It's time we become wise to the enemy’s strategies and soar like we were destined to do. I am not suggesting we are all called to full-time ministry, but each of us has a purpose on this earth that is greater than ourselves. God wants to use us all for His purposes, but we need to tell the devil enough!

So, Lord Jesus, I break off every lie attacking my sisters today, discouraging them from pursing their destinies. I pray faith will arise. I speak goodness and success into their future. I don’t care what their pasts look like because Jesus, you can restore all brokenness and hurt, replacing it with hope overflowing. I command all fear to dissipate and for freedom to arise.

Lord, embolden all of us to take a step of faith today, trusting that you are right there alongside us. We will not worry about failing or what others may think. We will chase you with tenacity and will fight to become the women you’ve destined us to be.

Authors, Politicians, Teachers, Singers, Doctors, Pastors, Mothers, Business Owners. Raise us up, Lord God. Let us dream again. Let us not dismiss that nudging deep in our soul. We are not too old. We are not too weak. We are not too broken. We invite the Holy Spirit to equip us now as we boldly step into our destinies.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.     Matthew 19:26