Keep Stepping


Life is tricky. And confusing. And sometimes, downright complicated. But, I think we can all agree that we want to live this life to the fullest. We all have varying ideas as to what this means. For me, I truly want to live the life that God has called me to live. Nothing more. Nothing less.

With that said, I’m very aware that being on the right path is important. I have learned through the years that the best (and safest) place to be is on the path God wants me on, even if it doesn’t make sense in my own head. However, I have also learned that this, in and of itself, is simply not enough.

Let me explain. To be on the right path is crucial, but this is only part of living a successful, fulfilled life that honors God. We need to constantly be moving forward, chasing after the things God has in store for us, not sitting idle for the next thing to be deposited into our laps.

Many of us have started on our journeys strong, but now hesitate to keep going forward for a number of reasons. Maybe the road has gotten difficult, and fear has crippled us. Perhaps, we have simply become lazy in our pursuit of God’s plans or just too busy with things that aren’t part of God’s best for us. In any event, this is a dangerous place to remain.

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”  Will Rogers

God is constantly pushing us further in our walks. He wants to stretch us, change us, and most importantly use us for His purpose. It's not enough to be headed in the right direction. We need to head out and keep moving forward, conquering new things. If we stay stagnant, we may miss opportunities that God has put into place for us. Or worse yet, we can get run over!

Ladies, we need to stop waiting for conditions to be perfect, and for all the trials and hardships to be removed. Start chasing after the life God planned for you. Step out in faith. But most importantly, keep stepping.

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. – 1 Timothy 6:12