Obedience May Be the Key To Your Breakthrough


Jesus certainly doesn’t need our help when it comes to answering our prayers, but He does, however, expect our obedience to do our part in the process. Every single prayer that proceeds from our mouth, every tear shed in desperation for a miracle, and every heart’s desire are all heard by our Heavenly Father. In fact, He knows all our needs before a word is uttered from our mouth.   

But, ladies, there are some of you who are sitting around wondering why God hasn’t answered your prayers, and interestingly, it may be your lack of obedience that is holding back the breakthrough. We cannot ask God to do what we want him to do but then refuse to move when he asks us to move. Let me explain.

When Jesus healed the ten lepers, He easily could have touched them right there and then and healed them all. He often operates that way. But instead, Jesus told them to go show themselves to the priest. As they headed there in obedience, they were all cleansed and healed. What would have happened if they refused to go? I imagine that the healing would not have occurred. Faith and obedience are often tied together.

When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. – Luke 17:14 

What instructions has the Lord given to you? Have you been obedient? Personally, I have experienced breakthrough in various areas in my life because I have acted in faith and simply obeyed His instructions. Sometimes it has been for me to sow into a ministry, other times it has been for me to fast and pray, and often it has been for me to offer a simple gesture of kindness to an individual who needs it. For years I had prayed for a healing touch in my body, but it wasn’t until I changed my diet completely that I received the healing touch that I desired. All glory still goes back to Jesus!

We cannot for one minute dismiss our active participation in the Lord’s plans. Jesus is looking for our trust. He may ask us to do things outside of our comfort zone. That’s ok, do it anyways. Maybe He is asking you to take a step of faith financially. He will provide. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what He is asking of you. It is your obedience that He is after.

To obey is better than sacrifice. – 1 Samuel 15:22

I’m not sure what you are believing God for in this season, but I encourage you to examine your own actions to see if it is your lack of obedience that is causing the delay. Jesus wants to bless you richly, but you are going to have to move when He says move.