Slaying Giants


So often in life, we come across what appears to be an impossible situation. We look at these obstacles in the natural and are simply unable to see a feasible solution. In fact, many of you might be walking through one of those seasons right now. You are feeling desperate and hopeless, wondering how in the world you will get through it. You are focusing on the enormity of your obstacle, rather than the enormity of your God.

Let’s take a look at the life of David. I think most of us are quite familiar with the story of David and Goliath. So often, we dismiss it as a child’s story rather than studying the scriptures and applying the spiritual truths to our own lives.

Goliath stood at over nine and a half feet tall. He donned a bronze helmet, a coat of scale armor also made of bronze, bronze greaves on the legs, and carried, you guessed it, a bronze javelin. All in all, his armor weighed over 140 pounds. This dude was big, and if that wasn’t intimidating enough, Goliath taunted the Israelite army – mocking them, belittling them, and tearing down their confidence. Looking at the situation in the natural, Goliath was unbeatable. 

But David did not see it that way. Actually, he did not seem phased by the mighty giant at all. Why? Because David didn’t focus on Goliath’s strengths, but rather his weakness. What we choose to focus on determines whether or not we will see the victory in our lives. We can see the impossibility of a situation, or we can see how God can overcome it. 

In addition to Goliath’s size and stature, David also had to overcome the questions and ridicule from people in his own camp, namely his brothers. They questioned his motives for being there, called him conceited for thinking he could take on such a mighty warrior, and told him he had a wicked heart. But the naysayers didn’t stop David either. 

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” – 1 Samuel 17:45

David took a smooth stone and hauled it directly at Goliath’s forehead. You see, all that armor on Goliath still left him vulnerable in one area. The Israelite army could only see an unbeatable Philistine giant covered with impenetrable armor. But David, with Godly eyes and wisdom, saw Goliath’s weakness – an unprotected forehead. And with a simple sling and stone, down Goliath went, and David took the victory.

Ladies, it’s time to re-examine the giants in your life. They may seem big. They may be intimidating. Others may even mock you for thinking you can defeat them. But what does God have to say about it? It’s time to stop looking at your situation with your natural eyes and start looking at it with spiritual ones. If a teenage boy can take down a giant with a stone, just imagine what you can do to the giants in your life.