What's Next?

One of the biggest questions I hear from people is: “What does God want me to do next with my life?” So many of us honestly want to be obedient to God’s call for our lives, yet we struggle in hearing the steps on how to get there. If you are currently in this situation, ask yourself the following questions. First, are you doing what God asked you to do the last time He spoke to you? God often won’t tell you the next step until you complete the previous one. And, in some instances, He may instruct you to lay things down in faith before He reveals His plan for the next chapter of your life. Closure without a plan is scary, which is why God frequently asks us to do this. It requires complete trust in Him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Second, is the Lord giving you a season of rest? We get so anxious to arrive at the destination that we miss key pieces of the journey. One of those pieces can be a time of rest and refreshing. It is a tactical time to seek God like never before, build some spiritual muscle, and build a deeper level of faith – a faith that is essential to complete the next stage of your life.

God’s plans are big, and He won't release us into them until He knows we are ready for them. His timing is perfect. Don't grow impatient waiting for the next move. Enjoy the rest, because more than likely you are going to need it.

Third, have you actually heard the Lord, but dismissed it because it seems impossible? Does it feel too big for you to accomplish in your own natural ability? Maybe God is calling you into unchartered territory, and fear is talking you out of following the call. You think, “I don’t have the skill set, the financial means, or the time to do this. This definitely isn’t God.” Well, I truly believe that if you can do it without God, you are not living up to your full potential in Christ. He wants us to be dependent on Him.

God loves a woman who lives outside her comfort zone because she must rely totally on Him.

Ladies, I wish there was an easier way to know what the next steps of our lives will look like. There are no shortcuts or replacements for time spent reading the Bible, being in prayer, and waiting on Him. If you are truly submitted to the Lord, trust Him explicitly, and live by faith, you will arrive at the destination He has planned for you.

The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. – Psalm 37:23-24