Do You Love Me More Than These?


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Anyone who reads my blogs or has heard me preach knows that I have a fascination with Peter – and not for the reasons you would think. Sure, he walked on water and led 3,000 people to Jesus on Pentecost. But, my interest in Peter is more than in his successes. It is about his journey in becoming the man of God that he was destined to be, which includes all his failures and missteps along the way.

John chapter 21 records a conversation between Peter and Jesus that I believe we all must have at some point in our Christian walk. Peter was still coming to terms with his denial of Christ. He ditches all prospects of actually becoming the man Jesus appointed him to be and returns to his life as a fisherman. Fishing may not have always been easy, but it was comfortable, familiar, and required less active faith. But Jesus doesn’t accept Peter’s rejection of his destiny and calls him out.

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” – John 21:15

What exactly is Jesus asking Peter? Do you love me more than the other disciples love me? No. Jesus never played the comparison game. Do you love me more than fish? I don’t think it was that simple either. Jesus implores Peter to examine his heart to see if there was anything in his life that was taking priority over his love and commitment to Jesus.

Peter, do you love me more than your job? Do you love me more than this comfortable and safe life? Do you love me more than your own dreams and ideas of what you thought your life would look like? Peter, will you lay everything down at my feet right now and fulfill the calling that has been placed on you? If the answer is yes, then stop hiding behind that fishing net and go walk in your destiny – feed my sheep!  

Jesus knew that Peter was ready. He spent the past three years preparing him. Jesus was only interested in the issue of his heart. The Holy Spirit would provide the power, the wisdom, and the positioning to walk it out. Jesus just needed to make sure that Peter’s heart was in the right place. 

Ladies, if this passage of scripture doesn’t cause pause in your heart, then you need to go back and read it again. We so badly want to know what God’s plans are for our lives. We chase after prophecy to hear all that is in store. We want direction. We pray earnestly for vision. But when it comes right down to it, Jesus is only interested in one thing – our hearts.

Do you love me more than these? Do you love me more than your dreams and ambitions? Do you love me more than what people think of you? Do you love me more than the world’s idea of success? Will you lay it all down to passionately pursue what I have in store for you?

These are hard questions. Understanding the implication of them, I quickly want to respond with an indignant yes, but my heart aches a little as I begin to reflect on all the things that I have placed value in over Him. What things are getting my attention when it should be placed on Him? What areas in my life have I elevated over time in His presence?

Asked straight out, nothing takes priority over my relationship with Jesus. But what do my actions show? What do your actions show? I truly believe that we are entering a season of decision. There is a lot of Kingdom work that needs to be done, and we have been positioned for such a time as this. Are you ready to walk in your destiny? Are you at a place of full surrender? I encourage you to ask yourself today, do you love Jesus more than these?