Don't Become Comfortable in the Darkness


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We have all been there before. We walked from a bright room to a dark room and immediately felt blind. This quick change in brightness makes it hard to make out what is around us. But, after a short time of being in the darkness, our eyes adjust to the surroundings. We become comfortable. We can see again. 

If you think about it, this situation is very similar to our Christian walk. When we spend time in the light, we can easily recognize the darkness; we can easily recognize sin as sin. However, when we spend too much time around sin, we can become desensitized to evil. Things that grieve the Holy Spirit should grieve us as well. Instead, this sin often becomes normalized by what society dictates as right and wrong. 

What does this desensitization look like? Maybe you watch shows that have a lot of bad language. Beforehand, you would cringe anytime you heard this language. But, after hearing these types of words so often, you may brush off the sin and no longer flinch when you hear it. Or maybe, you hang out with a group of people who are prone to gossip. At first, you may try to convince them to talk about something else. Eventually, however, the influence from those around you may cause you to join in and talk about others. This gradual change may not seem apparent to you, yet it is a problem. Thankfully, when you lean in close to God, there is a solution.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:2

So, how do you prevent yourself from becoming blind to sin? You must guard your spirit. Don’t allow things of the world to convince you to alter your perspectives and Christian walk. Be mindful of what you watch, who you spend time with, and anything that feeds your spirit. Obviously, it is impossible to completely shield yourself from the sins of this world. But, make sure that your relationship with God rubs off on those around you rather than other’s lifestyles rubbing off on you. Do not waver in your Christian beliefs to please others. And, always make sure to be the light.  

While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. - John 9:5