What Do You Reflect?


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What do you reflect? Take a few seconds to think about this question. When people see you, can they see Jesus in you? Do you show love the way Jesus does? Have your actions changed since you became a Christian? Does what you do and say show others that you love Jesus?

Many people get caught up in what we are called to do. We know that God has big plans for our lives, and we strive to get to that point when we are walking in that plan. But, we often forget that God first called all of us to live like Jesus.

"For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps." — 1 Peter 2:21

No matter what stage of your life you are in, remember to live your life as a reflection of Jesus. Even in seasons of rest, your purpose is still found in Him. Use your life as a testimony to others. Show them that God radically saved your life and wants to save them too. Make them want to hear about what makes you different from others. Many people will never pick up a Bible or head to church, but your actions may make all the difference. Live each day as a reflection of Christ.