The Deep

When my kids were five and seven years old, we put an in-the-ground swimming pool in our backyard. We waited to do so until I felt comfortable in their swimming capabilities. And although I was confident they could swim, I still took every precaution to keep them safe. We installed a pool alarm and a gate around the pool. And of course, I never left them poolside without an adult watching them. Even though I had all these precautions in place, I still felt it necessary to teach them what to do in case of an emergency.

If, by some chance, they fell into the deep end of the pool, I told them not to panic. I instructed them to roll on their backs, float, and call for help. Well, my kids are now teenagers, and I certainly don't need to worry about this anymore, but the instructions I gave them still pertain today.

You see, sometimes life throws us out into the deep. Our feet can't touch the ground and we feel helpless. Anxiety floods in, and we panic. We begin to tread water, and eventually, we grow tired and weary. At this point, we are just praying we don’t drown.

Maybe you feel like you've been tossed into the deep in this season of your life. Your finances are consuming your every thought. Or maybe, the call you received from your doctor about your latest test has left you numb. Your marriage might be unravelling right before your very eyes. Perhaps, your child is going down a path of destruction.

Don’t despair. I can tell you with first hand experience that you need not panic! You will not drown if you invite the Lord into your circumstance. Just turn to your back, float, and call on Him for help. Surprisingly, you can even find peace in the midst of the deep. In fact, it is during these “deep” moments when we can have the most remarkable encounters with our Savior.

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. – Isaiah 41:10

When we come to the end of ourselves, when there is no rescue boat or lifeguard around, when we have exhausted all other options, that is when God shows himself mighty. Hypothetical faith is great. But faith tested in the deep waters is a beautiful thing. The Spirit of God comes upon us, encourages us, and keeps us afloat. If you allow yourself, you might even begin to enjoy the beauty of the ocean knowing that God will not let you drown.

Ladies, I don’t know what you are going through today. Relief may be nowhere in sight. But, remember, we serve a Savior that can walk on water. I encourage you to call out to Jesus today, and let Him teach you how you can too.

“Your grace abounds in deepest waters,

Your sovereign hand

Will be my guide.

Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me,

You’ve never failed and You won’t start now.”

– Hillsong United, Oceans

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Leap Of Faith

It is no surprise that God is interested in developing our character. One of the attributes He especially likes to develop is trust, which means He often will ask us to do something without revealing the entirety of His plans. He will ask us to take a leap of faith without explaining the why or the how. If I could be slightly transparent for a moment, I struggle with this. You see, I like to be in the know. I am one of those women who ask a lot of questions because I truly want to understand why I am doing something. As much as I can be task-oriented and love checking things off my list, I am also interested in the reasoning behind my actions. This is a great trait to have in the workforce, but not necessarily with my walk with God.

“Often the desire to know is in direct opposite to the desire to trust.” – Living In Freedom Everyday

The Christian life is filled with tests of obedience. God will ask us to step out in faith, and we decide if we will obey or not. It always starts small, and then gradually grows bigger and bigger with successful completion of the prior test.

Obviously, trusting God would be much easier if we could clearly see what is on the other side of our obedience. But, that’s the caveat. God wants us to take the leap without knowing all the details.

Just recently, the Lord has asked my husband and I to embark on one of these leaps. Separately, the Lord has been instructing us with different pieces of this endeavor. To be honest, the request doesn’t necessarily make sense in the natural, but we are certain the Lord is instructing us to move forward.

Initially, I struggled with the request. I kept petitioning the Lord for more details, more information, and more specifics. I got nothing. I kept asking family to pray for direction. I felt paralyzed moving forward, but knew that I must. After a long time in prayer, I realized that God likes to keep us on a need-to-know basis, and that all the wisdom I need to make this leap was already inside of me.

Can you relate? Has God asked you to move forward in a situation, but because of lack of knowledge and details you have stalled? You want to be obedient, but fear that you misunderstood or will make a wrong move. You try to make sense of His instruction by picking it apart and dissecting it.

Ladies, God doesn't want that from us. He wants us to trust Him fully, and move forward in faith. He wants us to be totally reliant on Him. He wants us to feel vulnerable, but confident that He will show up. Don’t hesitate. If God is asking, take the leap! I promise you, He will be on the other side.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” – 2 Corinthians 5:7

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On Sundays We Wear Pink

Cliques! I naively thought that once high school ended, the cliques would go away. Oh, that is so not the case. As long as women interact with one another, there will always be a group that comes together, making outsiders feel awkward and uncomfortable. To their defense, it usually isn’t the intention of the women in the cliques to create this type of environment. Of course, in some “Mean Girls” situations, this is definitely their goal. Did you know that going to a new church for the first time is a huge anxiety generator? Each church has it’s own personality and culture, so for many, this uncertainty creates a high level of stress.

This is hard for some us to relate to because maybe, like me, you’ve been attending your church for over 15 years. When I walk into my church, a familiar face almost always greets me. A few hugs and a cordial exchange about our cute outfits takes place next.

Imagine if you will, walking through the doors of a new church, where you know absolutely no one. Perhaps, you haven’t been to church in years, if not ever, and you don’t know the “protocol.” What does it look like through those eyes?

I am not trying to make anyone feel badly about having friends at church. It is the church’s mission to connect people together so that they may grow together in Christ. I am just suggesting that as you walk into church with your pink Bible, matching outfit and shoes, you keep an eye open for the women who didn’t get the “On Sundays We Wear Pink” memo.

These women are not difficult to spot. Their awkward body language will sell them out every time. Sure, they are greeted upon entry, but what happens to them after that? They walk to their seat, secretly hoping that someone will engage them in more than just typical pleasantries. They are hoping that someone will notice them, connect with them, and invite them into their circle.

Ladies, we need to remember that it probably took every ounce of effort to get that new person to walk through the church door. The enemy has thrown every lie possible at her trying to convince her not to go in. He does this because he knows once a woman is connected into a nurturing body of believers, she will be unstoppable. Let’s not be the reason that she doesn’t come back. So, this weekend, let’s get out of our comfort zones, leave our cliques behind, and help her feel like she’s just come home!

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. – Romans 12:10

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Meet Me At The Cross

Murder. Selfishness. Adultery. Lying. Pride. Stealing. Gossip. Fornication. Idolatry. Blasphemy. Coveting. Strife. Envy. Greed. Unforgiveness. Drunkenness. Rebellion. Selfish Ambition. Perversion. Sexual Impurity. Disobedience. Witchcraft. Profanity. Jealousy. The list goes on. If you have ever committed any of the above, then you are a sinner, just like me. Sin isn’t measured by size. There is no distinction between a tiny white lie and a big one. It’s all sin. The consequences may differ, but it all separates us from God. We stand guilty.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23

But, because of God’s tremendous love for us, He sent His Son to stand in our place to pay the penalty for all our wrongdoings. An innocent man, God incarnate, hung on the cross – beaten, tortured, and mocked – for you and me. His death was beyond excruciating. It was a physical and emotional hell that He endured for us, so that we would never have to. Eternal condemnation is what we deserved, but eternal life is what He graciously gave.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 6:23

The best part of this extraordinary offering is that it is free to us. We can’t earn it, we can’t buy it, and we certainly don’t deserve it. But, it’s ours. And, yet, so many don’t receive it.

Disbelief is one reason, but unworthiness is another. People continue to deny the power of this ultimate sacrifice. “I’ve gone too far,” “My sin is too big,” “You don’t know what I’ve done,” or “I keep messing up” are just a few of the lies that the devil tries to use to lessen the power of the cross. But, what Jesus did that day is powerful enough to cover any sin. Right before He took His last breath, Jesus declared:

“It is finished.” – John 19:30

And it is finished. The power of sin and death was defeated. Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of this beautiful love offering. You may not be worthy. Actually, I know you aren’t. None of us are, but Jesus is.

So this Easter, I invite you to meet me at the cross, where we are all washed clean.

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for dying on the cross for me. I accept this beautiful gesture of love. I believe you died and rose again so that the penalty of sin would be paid in full for me – for all of us. Please forgive me for all my sins, known and unknown. I pray for power to defeat this sin in my life. I know it has all been paid for at the cross. I lay down all my efforts and control, and I make you Lord of my life. Amen.

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Happy Easter!

Are You a Victim of Terrorism?

It truly is some scary times that we are living in. Each week, I turn on the news and hear about another cruel act of terror inflicted on innocent lives. My heart breaks for those involved, and the media coverage just plays into my emotions. The interesting thing about terrorism is that it doesn't end with the horrific act. The aftermath and fear that is perpetrates destroys the lives of people close to and removed from the situation. “Will it happen again?” and “When?” are questions that run through our minds. “Could this happen in our hometown, workplace, or school system?” These thoughts gnaw away at our peace.

The spirit behind these evildoers isn't just to harm people physically. The intent is to also perpetuate fear, leaving individuals anxious and unsettled. Make no mistake, this spirit is demonic, and we, at times, are all victims of this terror. We are in a spiritual battle. But, how do we get ourselves free from this victimization?

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. – 1 Peter 5:8

We need to be wise to our enemy’s tactics. The devil wants to rob us of our peace. That’s his plan. He wants to create feelings of dread and trepidation in our hearts. He wants to consume our thought life and inner being with worry. That is what terrorism does best. That's what the devil does best. But, rest assured, we have power over these tormenting thoughts.

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

As Christians, God has given us divine power. That’s right, we have authority over our minds. The Word of God is true. So, we must actively take authority over our thoughts and emotions, and command them to come into alignment with scripture.

Jesus wants us to live in peace, free from the torment of the enemy. He wants us to rest in His loving arms, trusting in Him unconditionally. When these destructive thoughts come, we must silence them. Make a decision right now to not negotiate with a terrorist. Don’t rationalize these lies or give them any credence. Immediately reject them and ask for the Holy Spirit Comforter to overcome you. Ask Him to bring to remembrance all the promises that God has in store for you. You don't need to be a victim anymore!

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. – John 14:26-27


Time at the Barre

Don’t you just love it when normal, everyday life-events preach to you? Sometimes, they have a greater impact then some of the best sermons ever spoken. Well, I had one of those moments just the other night when I was given the opportunity to sit and observe my daughter’s ballet class. Typically, I catch a few minutes of her class every once in a while if I arrive early to pick her up. And of course, I get to attend the performances that her school puts on. I have continually been impressed with the quality and skill level demonstrated, but, up until this past Monday, I truly didn’t understand why.

The benefit of parent observation week is that parents are invited to watch a normal class just as the students typically take it. I was completely blown away at what I saw. The class begins at the ballet barre, where dancers run through numerous exercises, and I mean numerous, that help the dancers build strength and learn correct body placement. These drills help a dancer with her footwork, jumps, flexibility, and balance.

I expected all of this, but did not understand that the dancers stayed at the barre for an hour and ten minutes – that’s right 70 minutes before they actually started to dance in the center of the studio. During this time at the barre, the dancers undergo grueling, repetitive drills one after the next. And if that isn’t difficult enough, this type of training happens five to six times a week.

Sitting there, watching this great discipline and drive, really spoke to my heart. Before a dancer is ready for the spotlight, she must train vigorously. It is not just about the moments on stage. In fact, that is just a small fraction of the dancing she does. She must be committed and make sacrifices to achieve a level of excellence.

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. – John 14:12

I see such a parallel to our lives as Christians. Often, we are so eager to do great things for God that we forget about the work that must go into getting there. At times, reading the Bible and studying His word may seem monotonous. Prayer time may seem routine, but we, like those dancers, are building muscle memory. We are preparing ourselves for the moments in the future where God calls us into the spotlight. But, will we be ready?

In Mark chapter 9, we see the disciples trying to cast a demon out of little boy. They had seen Jesus do it numerous times. But, they were unable to. They weren’t ready. Their faith wasn’t ready.

After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer. – Mark 9:28-29

Ladies, if you want do great things for God, you have to put the time in. Spending time with God by reading His word and through prayer will strengthen your faith. Nothing can replace this. It will renew your mind and make you more like Christ.

Just like my daughter’s dance teacher, God isn’t going to give you a role that you are not ready for. He doesn’t want you to get burned by the heat of the spotlight. If you truly want to do great things for God, you must first put your time in at the barre!

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Valentine's Day Cynic

Now please don’t think badly of me for what I am about to say, but I hate Valentine’s Day! Don’t get me wrong, my husband and I will still participate in all the “required” festivities – gifts, chocolates, and a special dinner. But, honestly, let’s recognize what it is – a day created to materialize on a sentiment that should be present each and every day of the year, not just February 14th. With that said, Valentine’s Day has some redeeming qualities. It gives school-aged children an opportunity to express gestures of love and friendship to their family and peers. I even don’t mind it during the courting stages, where an individual takes a bold step proclaiming his or her affection for that special someone. However, in committed, healthy relationships and especially marriages, every day should look like Valentine’s Day.

Unfortunately, we are living in a day and age where self is celebrated most. It is all about what we can get, rather than what we can give. We are so desperate to get our own needs met, that we neglect the needs of the people we love most, ultimately, dishonoring them. This is so contrary to what the Word of God instructs.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is not defined by a grandiose gesture that happens just once a year. A dozen roses or a box of chocolate will not sustain a relationship when it is neglected the other 364 days in the year. Offering understanding, respect, encouragement, and unwarranted acts of kindness are truly what a “loving” relationship requires.

Ladies, we need to realize that love is an ongoing expression that is seen mostly in the simple moments – the moments where credit is not sought after, but selfless love is the motivation. Keep in mind, this is not one-sided. Husbands and wives need to be equally demonstrative in their love and affection towards each other.

So, you see, it is not that I really hate Valentine’s Day, I just hate that we, as a society, have accepted that love need only be expressed one day a year. Love is continual. It is active. It takes effort and self-sacrifice. Please don’t settle for one day of romance when you can experience a lifetime of love!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Before the Door Shuts

I love to travel! I love to see new places, experience different cultures, and unplug with my family. But, as much as I love to get away, I really dislike the “travel” portion of the trip. It is so exhausting! So, I make every effort to shorten it. I try to only book direct flights, I check as few bags as I can, and I arrive at the airport as late as possible, while still getting through security and to my gate on time. In fact, if I do it right, I will arrive at the gate just in time to board. But, you have to be careful. Once the aircraft door is closed, it will not be reopened, no matter how much you beg and plead.

This reminds me of the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids that Jesus speaks of in the book of Matthew.

At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!” . . .

But while [the five virgins without enough oil] were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. Later the others also came. “Lord, Lord,” they said, “open the door for us!”

– Matthew 25:1-6, 10-11

All ten bridesmaids thought that they would be welcomed into the wedding feast. All ten bridesmaids had their lamps in hand and were waiting. Unfortunately, five of the bridesmaids let their lamps die out. They did not anticipate how long it would take the groom to return. They were not prepared and ran out of oil. They missed their opportunity to enter in. The door was closed, and no matter how much they begged or pleaded, it was too late.

But he replied, “Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.” Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. – Matthew 25:12-13

This really is a scary parable. No one knows the hour of Christ’s return. And, no one is guaranteed tomorrow. We need to prepare ourselves for that day by keeping our flame burning strong for God. We do this by meditating on the Word of God, by spending time with Him alone in prayer, and by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal areas in our lives that compromise who we are as children of God.

Ladies, we must not grow complacent as we wait, nor let justification and rationalization of sinful behavior snuff out our flames. Make every effort to be prepared for your final moments here on earth before the door shuts. Because once it does, it will not be reopened.

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What's Next?

One of the biggest questions I hear from people is: “What does God want me to do next with my life?” So many of us honestly want to be obedient to God’s call for our lives, yet we struggle in hearing the steps on how to get there. If you are currently in this situation, ask yourself the following questions. First, are you doing what God asked you to do the last time He spoke to you? God often won’t tell you the next step until you complete the previous one. And, in some instances, He may instruct you to lay things down in faith before He reveals His plan for the next chapter of your life. Closure without a plan is scary, which is why God frequently asks us to do this. It requires complete trust in Him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Second, is the Lord giving you a season of rest? We get so anxious to arrive at the destination that we miss key pieces of the journey. One of those pieces can be a time of rest and refreshing. It is a tactical time to seek God like never before, build some spiritual muscle, and build a deeper level of faith – a faith that is essential to complete the next stage of your life.

God’s plans are big, and He won't release us into them until He knows we are ready for them. His timing is perfect. Don't grow impatient waiting for the next move. Enjoy the rest, because more than likely you are going to need it.

Third, have you actually heard the Lord, but dismissed it because it seems impossible? Does it feel too big for you to accomplish in your own natural ability? Maybe God is calling you into unchartered territory, and fear is talking you out of following the call. You think, “I don’t have the skill set, the financial means, or the time to do this. This definitely isn’t God.” Well, I truly believe that if you can do it without God, you are not living up to your full potential in Christ. He wants us to be dependent on Him.

God loves a woman who lives outside her comfort zone because she must rely totally on Him.

Ladies, I wish there was an easier way to know what the next steps of our lives will look like. There are no shortcuts or replacements for time spent reading the Bible, being in prayer, and waiting on Him. If you are truly submitted to the Lord, trust Him explicitly, and live by faith, you will arrive at the destination He has planned for you.

The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. – Psalm 37:23-24


Self on a Shelf (by Guest Blogger Rachel Axtmann)

Ahhhhh…I just recently finished cleaning up my home. The decorations are all down and neatly placed (thrown) back into the red and green bins and packed away until next Christmas. The bit of extra space I once had in my living room has returned. My countertops are clear, free from a bazillion sprinkles and the gingerbread house remnants. I have a feeling of peacefulness now that my home is back to normal. Don’t misunderstand. I do LOVE the coziness of Christmas, and the beauty and wonder of it. In fact, this year was the best yet, just watching the joy and excitement the season brings to our children. But, once it’s over, I really look forward to returning to the normal routine. When it’s all put away, I always light a clean scented candle and with the freshness it brings, I begin to think about a new year and a fresh start.

Funny though, I am able to pack away all of my decorations, clean up the house, and focus on a new beginning, but there is one part of the season that lingers a bit inside of me. There is one part I just can’t “put away” as easily. It sticks around. And, unfortunately, I’ve noticed this becoming a yearly post-Christmas trend.

In December, I become so keenly aware of all there is in the world to consume and to have and to wish for. This year, I started shopping for my kids online (thank you free shipping, you have won my heart). Anyway, when you place an online order, this nifty little thing happens, you start getting emails from that store about 18 times per day. They let you know about new bargains, last minute deals, and things you just can’t live without. But, instead of deleting those new glittery messages, I’ve got to admit some just plain lure me in.

Recently, I stumbled across a new line of active wear. At first, I saw just a few items that caught my attention, and so I took the opportunity to view the entire line. My little eyes grew brighter . . . and I could feel my heart pounding just a little harder . . . it looked so comfortable and fit-flattering, yet stylish, and easy to work out in (should I decide to do so). The more I thought about this collection, the more it started to put my current work-out clothes from the clearance rack to shame. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I became convinced that if I had them, I would for sure exercise more regularly and for sure feel better about myself.

Convinced that this was for my health, I took myself on a little field trip to the store. And sure enough, it WAS better in person! I had a blast trying it all on – pure dreaminess! I had visions of exercising and eating kale dancing in my head. Oh the healthy possibilities that this new clothing would bring! I wish I could tell you that this active wear was the ONLY thing I was tempted with, but I might have also looked at new cookware, a few new cute pairs of boots, some canvas bags, new home decor for my living room, and last but not least, some super cute hand-stamped jewelry – you know, just some “must haves”.

Here’s the thing though, before I began my online shopping, I was so very content with what I had. I felt blessed for all of the many ways God has provided for my needs and even some straight up wants. We were living within our means and sticking to the budget we had set in place. But once my eyes took in all the other possibilities, what I had lost its value to me. I never knew what I “needed” until I learned what I didn’t have. And then, discontentment settled in.

I began to covet those items. I was willing to step outside the boundaries my husband and I set in place financially. I was ready to just donate those old tired items that were totally fine and serving their purpose just a week ago. It would all be okay, just this once, right? We could swing it. It’s Christmas after all! Thankfully, before this all happened, I calmed down and drove home.

I’m not sure about you, but comparison leaves me feeling icky. I struggle with it – often! But for me, I really tend to feel it around the holidays. Maybe you don’t ever look at clothing or material things, but perhaps you compare your friendships to others, or your marriage, or the vacations you take. Or maybe, you compare the way others parent and how their kids seem to behave, or the “fun” projects they do with their kids thanks to the insanely “amazing” world of Pinterest. Instead of thanking God for what He has given you, you covet, or even envy, what someone else has or does.

When we begin to compare what we have with what others have or what the world offers, we never win. Theodore Roosevelt once wisely said,

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Please don’t hear me wrong, I am not saying that we shouldn’t have nice things. What I am saying is that we need to guard our hearts. Are the things you desire causing you to be discontent?

For me, I know I need to scale back. After Christmas, I need to take a break, and plan to start the new year with a heart of thanksgiving instead of a heart of envy. I need to be more careful with what I am choosing to look at with my eyes. How about you? If looking at certain items, browsing social media, or visiting certain stores are causing you to feel discontent, maybe you would like to join me in setting up some boundaries?

“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.” – Matthew 6:22

I am committing myself to a healthy start in 2016, full of light. Now that my decorations are put away, so will my discontentment be too. It is time to put my self on a shelf, along with the holiday décor. With God’s help, I can get back on track! And, you can too.

“A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.” – Proverbs 14:30

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***Thank you, Rachel for sharing your story. I know many women can relate to this!***

No Turning Back

To some, 2015 has come and gone in a blink of an eye. To others, it has dragged on, full of obstacles, hardships, and disappointments. No matter what kind of year you have had, we all press on to another year. I am especially entertained this time of year by all the “get healthy” propaganda. Gym memberships, home fitness equipment, and diet plans are just a few of the life improvements that are being sold. Everyone has the best intentions, but by the time the end of January rolls around, the commitment to change has vanished along with all the leftover Christmas cookies.

On the other hand, I like to think of the beginning of the year as a time for spiritual refreshing. It’s a time to reflect back on the prior year, take note of all the successes, as well as the missteps. It’s a time to seek God’s help in becoming more like Him in the new year.

Unfortunately, many of us get too distracted with the missteps that we fail to see all the areas where we have succeeded. Discouragement sets in, and there is a tendency to return to, and sometimes long for, the lifestyle we used to live. That was, however, a life before we allowed Christ into it. People forget how empty and broken their life actually was before Jesus entered in.

There is a woman in the Bible who also made this tragic mistake. I am talking about Lot’s wife. She and her family were living in a depraved land filled with immorality and debauchery. Because of the persistent prayers of Lot’s uncle, Abraham, God graciously removed them from the judgment and destruction that was about to fall on Sodom and Gomorrah. But, Lot’s wife had gotten so used to the sinful lifestyle she was engrossed in that she failed to recognize the grace upon her life and the freedom God was granting her. And although she was warned not to, she looked back with fondness on the sins of her past, which ultimately brought destruction on her life.

But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. – Genesis 19:25

Ladies, it’s a new year and a fresh slate. Keep walking in the direction that God is calling you. Longing to go back to a life without Jesus will only cause heartache. Keep running the race for God, and His favor and abundant blessings will follow. Ready or not, 2016 is coming. There’s no turning back!

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:13-14

No Turning Back

The Father's Presence

A few weeks ago, a close friend of mine went through one of those moments where you feel like the wind has been knocked right out of you. She went for a routine test and received an unexpected call from her doctor. They found something suspicious on her x-ray that needed further testing and investigation. When I heard, I immediately went straight to the Lord in prayer. I interceded for my friend, claiming the Word of God over her life, believing that this “finding” would be benign. But more than that, I found myself praying specifically for God’s presence and peace to fall over her during the moments of uncertainty. I wanted her to feel God during this trial.

I know first hand how hard those moments can be. “What if” thoughts flood your mind and try and invade your peace. But, something miraculous happens to you when God’s presence fills you. Fear disappears. Doubt vanishes. And, peace floods in.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

– Psalm 23:4

When I was a little girl, I would sometimes have a bad dream or a fear-filled thought at night. I would try to fight the thought, reason with it, and make it go away, but somehow the fear wouldn’t leave. In fact, the more I tried to fight it by myself, the more it intensified.

Defeated, I would jump out of bed and quickly hurry down the hall into my parent’s bedroom searching for my father. Now, my mother was great for all other situations, but for some reason, this was a job only for my dad. The scared look on my face let him know immediately what was going on, and he would follow me back into my bedroom and sit next to me until I fell asleep.

The funny thing is that once he was there, I would generally fall to sleep in just a matter of minutes. My father’s presence let me know that I was safe. I knew that he loved me, and he would never let anything bad happen to me. His presence brought me great peace. I knew I had nothing to fear.

If we, as adults, can wrap our heads around this idea of seeking the Lord’s presence in our lives, we certainly would be experiencing more peace-filled moments. We try to handle life by ourselves. Instead, we simply need to invite Jesus into the situation and allow Him to overwhelm us with His presence.

“My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” – Exodus 33:14

I am happy to report that my friend’s follow up tests were clear. But, more importantly, she remarked that she had peace throughout the entire process because she felt God’s presence.

Ladies, no matter what life throws at you, remember that as long as your Heavenly Father is close by, you need not fear anything that lies ahead. Let Him comfort you and bring you peace!

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Just An Ordinary Girl

No woman likes to be called ordinary. It implies that you are common, usual, or not special. But, that is exactly what Mary the mother of Jesus was – ordinary. Like many young women in those days, Mary was pledged to be married. Some scholars suggest that she was only about 12 or 13 years old. Scripture does not tell us too much about her, except that she was still a virgin.

Then, one special day, an angel named Gabriel came to visit this ordinary girl and calls her to do something extraordinary. Mary was told that she would give birth to the promised Messiah. The prophets foretold Jesus’ virgin birth, but Mary never expected that God would choose her for this incredible task.

You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. – Luke 1:31-32

What an overwhelming call Mary had on her life! I can only imagine how she was feeling – fearful of what others would think, fearful of the repercussions of conceiving before marriage, fearful that her marriage would not transpire, and, most importantly, fearful that she couldn’t live up to the call.

Mary responds to Gabriel with a simple question, “How can this be?” She was limited by her natural thinking and couldn’t fathom how God could work this out. Logistically, it just didn’t make sense.

I can so relate. Often, God asks me to step out in faith to do something outside my natural ability, and I wonder how will I be able to do it. Like Mary, I’m just an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. I don’t have the natural skill set or means to accomplish all that the Lord asks of me. But, I’ve learned that I don’t have to. I just have to be obedient, and the Holy Spirit will come upon me and enable me. And, He will do the same for you.

The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. – Luke 1:35

Ladies, are you living in a comfort zone, fearful to step out because you are limited by your own natural abilities? God is creating an army of ordinary women and asking them to do extraordinary things for Him. Do you want to be part of this?

You may be just an ordinary girl, but you have a supernatural God behind you that will allow you to accomplish great things for Him.

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” – Luke 1:38

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When He Does

Ten lepers – unclean, contagious, and suffering with tremendous pain. They lived in total isolation because no one would come within six feet of them, not even their families. Leprosy is a degenerative disease that attacks both the body and the nervous system. Occasionally, an infected person can go into remission, but this is highly unlikely. These ten lepers were desperate because this diagnosis was practically a death sentence. Hearing that Jesus was coming through their village, the men went to look for Him. From a distance, they called out to Jesus.

“Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” – Luke 17:13

Moved with compassion, and seeing their faith, Jesus instructs the men to present themselves to the priest and they would be healed.

And as they went, they were cleansed. – Luke 17:14

Interestingly, the scriptures state that only one returned to thank Jesus for healing him from this horrific disease. All ten men were healed, but only one was moved with gratitude and thanksgiving for what the Lord did in his life. What happened to the other nine? Just a few hours before, they were eagerly longing for a touch from Jesus. Now that they received their healing, they totally forgot about Him.

Ladies, isn’t this often the case in our lives? We get so desperate for Jesus when we need something – healing, breakthrough, or salvation. But, what happens to us when He does answer our plea? Are we moved with heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving that we can’t do anything else but return to Jesus with arms open wide? Or, do we instantly forget what He’s done for us and go about our daily routine?

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” – Luke 17:17-18

Jesus expects thankfulness. The scriptures clearly show His disappointment in the nine who didn’t return. Where would you fall in this story? Are you the one who is overwhelmed with love and gratitude and returns? Or, are you one of the nine who forgets the true source of your breakthrough? Ask yourself this question today, “what will you do when He does?”

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What If He Doesn't?

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were living as exiles in Babylon. They were taken from their homes and were forced to serve under an evil ruler, King Nebuchadnezzar. These young Jewish men would not compromise their walk with God and refused to bow down and worship an image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar set up before them. Refusing to obey the king’s decree meant their life would be in danger – as they would be thrown into a blazing furnace. Once King Nebuchadnezzar found out about this, he became furious and summoned the men. I just love Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s response to King Nebuchadnezzar’s threat.

King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But, even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. – Daniel 3:16-18

What a bold statement to say when death is staring you in the face! That’s unwavering faith! Live or die, they would not abandon their God. Fortunately, God supernaturally spared the men’s lives.

Ladies, God is more than able to deliver you from your fires today. No circumstance is too difficult for Him. But, what if He doesn’t? What if He doesn’t restore your marriage? What if He doesn’t bring financial breakthrough? What if healing doesn't come when you want it?

Check your heart. Does it resemble that of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s or is it full of contingencies and demands? God wants women to have a faith that is genuine, not contingent on His favor and blessings. If He doesn’t rescue you from your trial, will you still serve Him? Or, will you quickly abandon Him?

The Lord is more than able and willing to save you, but will you stay the course if He doesn’t?

Lord, you will always be my God, and I will always be yours!

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Damaged Goods

Have you ever felt like “damaged goods”? You know, where your circumstances have caused people around you to look at you differently. You may have been through a horrible divorce. You may have fallen off the ladder of success due to downsizing or poor choices, and are now unemployed. Or maybe, an unforeseen sickness has blindsided you. You’d like to believe that God still has plans for your life, yet the stigma attached to an unplanned circumstance has deflated your dreams. If you can relate, then this blog is for you. First of all, if you woke up this morning and you still have breath in your lungs, you need to understand that God still has a purpose for your life. I don’t know the specifics of your particular situation, but this truth remains the same for everyone. The world may see you as unusable, but God sees opportunity in your struggle. Opportunity? Yes, opportunity. You see, God loves using broken people. He takes all the disappointment and heartache, and He uses it for His glory.

Let’s take a look at the life of Job. This is a book in the Bible that I always avoided because I could not understand how God would allow the righteous to suffer so much. Instead of digging in and trying to see the purpose of including it in the scriptures, I just avoided it altogether.

Interestingly, I have now been tremendously encouraged when reading it. Job underwent great tragedy in his life and much suffering. Actually, Job experienced some of the worse type of misfortune – loss of his children, loss of financial security, and a horrible sickness that brought him much pain. But, God never looked at him as damaged goods. God still had plans and blessings for Job, in spite of the brokenness that he experienced.

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. – Job 42:12

Ladies, I want to encourage you today by letting you know that just like in the case with Job, God hasn’t abandoned His plans for you. You have purpose. It doesn’t matter how others see you. All that matters is how God sees you.

You may be broken, but with Jesus, you are not damaged beyond repair!

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Damaged Goods

Nails On A Chalkboard


There are certain sounds that can drive you crazy. A car alarm that won't stop sounding, a bicycle wheel that needs oil and keeps squeaking, and of course, the absolute worse, nails on a chalkboard. Just thinking about this noise makes my skin crawl. That screeching sound sends shivers up and down my spine. But as irritating as that sound is, I would rather listen to those fingernails drag down the board any day than listen to someone complaining. I know we are all guilty of this at times, myself included, but there are some people who have made complaining an art form. You know who I am talking about. They complain about taxes, family, their boss, the school systems, and the weather. They would even complain about your problems if you’d let them!

All joking aside, this is an area where we all struggle. Things don’t go exactly how we envisioned, so we default to complaining mode. It seems that this generation in particular has accepted a culture of negativity. Instead of focusing on the positive in a situation, we spend our energy focusing solely on the negative.

And although this generation has now accepted this as the norm, this certainly is not new. In the Old Testament, we see that the Israelites also had a problem with complaining when things didn’t go their way. Their journey of deliverance from the Egyptian hand of slavery and into the Promised Land would be a long one because they defaulted to grumbling every time life presented a challenge.

Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when He heard them His anger was aroused. – Numbers 11:1

The Lord has little tolerance for this type of ungrateful heart. In fact, every word that seeks to dwell on the negative and generate a series of whining and complaining must compare to the sound of nails on a chalkboard to Him. The Israelite’s 11 day journey was now turned into 40 years of wandering in the wilderness because of their “poor me” attitudes.

Sure, we deal with trying circumstances and difficult people, but we have plenty of reasons to be grateful – life, food on our tables, health, family, friends, and most importantly, our relationship with God. Unfortunately, we focus on the things that don’t go our way, rather than on all things that do.

Ladies, let’s stop complaining. Life is unpredictable – full of ups and downs. But, God has called us to turn to Him in times of need, not complain when the littlest interruption comes our way. Let’s put an end to this culture of negativity. Put your nails down and back away from the chalkboard!

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky. – Philippians 2:14-15

tinnitus concept - stressed out young woman having painful migraine,covering closed ears,annoyed by loud noise not wanting to hear their side of story


I just love this time of year. The leaves are changing colors, boots are back in season, and pumpkin flavored everything is available wherever you go. Now, I don’t know where you all live, but temperatures are beginning to drop in Connecticut. With that, we need to prepare ourselves for the special guests that visit us during the colder months. That is my nice way of saying that we need to get the mouse traps out. (Before I go any further, I once again need to apologize to my animal loving friends for the story to follow.)

Every winter, my husband sets up a few traps in the basement with a little spoonful of peanut butter on it to lure any mice in. Well, a few winters ago, the one where we all learned what a roof rake was for the first time, we experienced something like never before. Each day, I’d be upstairs in my kitchen, and I’d hear a loud snap, realizing that another mouse had seen its last day.

My husband, who of course was responsible for clearing the traps and resetting them, would come up each night and say, “I got one more.” It was disturbing, to say the least. The mouse death toll was rising with each passing day. I often wondered where all these mice were coming from. It was like Mouseapalooza was taking place right in my very own basement!

As troubling as this influx of mice was, it didn’t seem to bother me too much because they were in the basement, and I didn’t go down there very often. Then, one day, things changed.

I was vacuuming in my family room when I noticed little deposits of mouse droppings near the wall. I, of course, FREAKED out. The mice were no longer just in my basement; they had entered our living space. How could they get upstairs?

Totally disgusted, I immediately went on a mouse hunt, trying to determine the method of entry. Nothing jumped right out at me. But, then, my eyes were directed to a tiny hole not much bigger than the size of a dime located behind our television console. We drilled a tiny whole there to run wires from the basement to the television. I thought to myself, “there is no way a mouse could fit through that tiny little hole.”

Well, I was wrong. After further investigation, I found a “not successful” mouse attached to one of the wires right below the hole. This particular mouse was obviously not too bright and decided to snack on one of the electrical wires. Zap!

Some of you just stopped reading, and yet others are interested to see where in the world I am going with this. Well, for those you who are still with me, did you know that mice could morph their bodies into the oddest shapes and fit through the smallest of openings? Did you also know that the devil is very much like mice? Like a mouse, the devil just needs the smallest opening to enter into our lives and cause a lot of trouble.

Do not give the devil a foothold – Ephesians 4:27

The word foothold simply means opportunity. We do not want to give the enemy an opportunity, or access, into our lives. We have to be very careful not to give him an opening, even if it is small, to enter in.

So what are these open doors? Sin is definitely a big one, but we also need to be mindful of other ways of entry. What are you watching on television? Are your conversations with friends uplifting and encouraging, or are they full of gossip and complaining? What are you looking at on the Internet?

Ladies, we need to constantly be examining our lives, making sure that there is no point of entry. The devil is real, and he would love nothing more than to gain access to our lives. Fear, marital stress, financial hardship, and sickness are just a few of the ways he can attack. Seasons are changing. It is time to set out the traps!

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. – 1 Peter 5:8


In Her Shadow

Two sisters – Leah and Rachel. One is described as beautiful with a lovely figure. The other, well, she had "weak eyes." No one knows what that means for certain, but I’m sure it wasn’t a complement. Some suggest that her vision was so bad that she squinted to see. Others think she was cross-eyed. In either case, Leah was perceived as the “lesser” sister. One day, Jacob enters the lives of Leah and Rachel. He quickly falls in love with Rachel, and he vows to work seven years for Laban, their father, to earn her hand in marriage. The wedding day and honeymoon night come and go. With the morning light peaking into the tent, Jacob discovers that he had been deceived. He actually married Leah.

This was an intentional plot to marry off the oldest daughter first. Apparently, Laban thought the only way someone would marry Leah was by tricking him. Now, that’s a confidence builder!

Still determined, Jacob pledges to work an additional seven years for Laban to earn the right to marry Rachel. After all, she was the one he actually loved.

[H]is love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah. – Genesis 29:30

Today, I want to speak to the “Leahs” of the world. The women who are not appreciated for the value that they bring. The women who spend their lives living in the shadow of another because they are perceived as lesser. Maybe you’ve been compared to your sister like Leah was. Or maybe, you have been overshadowed by your mother, aunt, friend or even a co-worker because they are more attractive, talented, or successful.

Ladies, you need to hear me. God wants to pull you out of the shadows. He wants you to see the greatness that He has deposited inside of you, yes you! It is time to break free from the stigma that has been placed upon you, and walk boldly into the light – His light.

Sadly, I’m not sure if Leah ever realized that, although she did not have Jacob’s favor, she had God’s favor. In fact, Rachel spent most of her life envying her sister, because unlike Leah, she wasn’t able to have children. It wasn’t until the end of Rachel’s life that she was able to conceive. And with that, she died giving birth to her second son. With God’s favor upon Leah, she bore six sons and one daughter for Jacob. One son, Judah, is part of the ancestry of Jesus. What a wonderful legacy!

God saw Leah’s value. But, she missed it. She spent her entire life feeling inferior to her sister.

“Leahs," your lives have significance! You need to stop feeling second-rate to the “Rachels” of the world. God has a purpose for your life. Boldly step out of the shadows, and into your destiny.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. – Psalm 139:13-15

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