Fear is a Weapon


The greatest weapon that the devil uses to stop you from walking into your destiny is fear – fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear or people’s opinions, fear of being harmed, or simply the fear of the unknown. The enemy is so cunning. He knows that he can’t directly tell you not to follow God’s direction for your life. You are too smart for that. Instead, he uses fear and deception as a tool to manipulate you. When you allow fear to manifest into your thought life, you can easily justify and rationalize the decision to not step out in faith.

Although staying complacent and refusing to take a risk seem safe, it is quite the contrary. The Lord has made us on purpose with a purpose. And when we allow fear to hold us back, it’s disobedience, plain and simple. The Lord is looking for women who will say yes to Him – who have completely surrendered their lives to Him. God wants women who aren’t scared of the unknown because they are known by Him, and that is enough. They trust their future in His hands.

Further, I would argue that the safest pace to be is right in the center of God’s plan for your life. When you step out in faith, you are not alone. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you each step of the way. He will give you wisdom and discernment, all while covering you with His protection.

If the Lord says make the move, then make the move. If He says walk away from that relationship, then walk away. If He says to share your testimony, then do it. If He says go pray for that co-worker, then go pray for that co-worker.

Speaking from experience, I can assure you that if the Lord asks you to take a leap of faith then He will always provide you with a place to land. It may seem scary, but I encourage you to do it anyway. He will always meet you on the other side of your obedience.

Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you. – Jeremiah 7:23

I encourage you to search your heart. What is holding you back? Really do some personal inventory. Take authority of all fear present in your life, and ask the Holy Spirit to allow you to walk boldly into your future. The devil wins each time you allow fear to take over. Stop his tactics by taking a faith step today.

“Satan has no legitimate weapons to use against us. His only trick is deception.” – Tony Evans